Over the course of the next several performance years, MIPS as we know it is expected to sunset. This change leaves Eligible Clinicians and Groups with one of two options for participation in the Quality Payment Program: MVPs (MIPS Value Pathway) or APP (APM Performance Pathway). Yes, this last one is an acronym nested in another acronym.
Several MVPs have been finalized, with additional pathways proposed for implementation starting with Program Year 2023 and beyond. It is anticipated that even more pathways will develop in the coming years to reflect an array of options for primary care & specialty clinicians to meaningfully participate in the Quality Payment Program.
MVPs are designed as a bridge to Alternative Payment Models and Advanced APMs. Both encourage clinicians and organizations to focus on a population of patients and/or episodes of care, or specific medical conditions. Ultimately both the APP and MVP are pathways that align enhanced quality of care, improved patient outcomes, and healthcare costs to meet CMS’s definition of value.
Our team of advisors will present an overview of finalized and proposed updates to MVPs and APMs. In the webinar we’ll discuss how the KY REC can help you weigh considerations for MVP adoption and develop strategies for APM preparedness.
QPP YEAR 6 WEBINAR: Preparing for the Transition to APMs through MVPs
FRIDAY OCTOBER 21 12:00 – 1:00 PM ET
Contact the experts at KY***@uk*.edu“>Kentucky REC for all your QPP, MIPS, and APM questions. We’re here to help: 859-323-3090.