CMS, in an effort to address feedback from clinicians and stakeholders around the complexity of the MIPS program, has implemented a new reporting track. This new track is called MIPS Value Pathways (MVPs), and is effective starting with the 2023 Performance Year. CMS’s aim is to help streamline the MIPS program requirements and reduce clinician burden, while creating a pathway to more wide-spread Alternative Payment Model adoption.

This new MVP framework is intended to align measures and activities across the Quality, Cost, and Improvement Activities categories of the MIPS Program that are more relevant to a clinicians’ practice, specialty, or patient population. This change represents a significant shift in the way clinicians participate in MIPS in 2023 and future years of the Quality Payment Program.

Kentucky REC’s experts will present an in-depth review of the MVP reporting pathway, submission strategies, and important reporting requirements for the 2023 performance year. They will provide you with valuable information on ways to optimize your performance while testing this new reporting track.

QPP Year 7: MIPS Value Pathways (MVPs): Understanding and Identifying Which Pathways are Right for You*
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023 @ 12PM ET

*This webinar is for Kentucky REC contracted QPP clients only. If you are interested in this topic and would like to learn more about becoming a client, please contact us at (859) 323-3090 or email us at KY***@uk*.edu. We aim to be your trusted healthcare advisor!