Currently Kentucky REC and KHIE are traveling to several cities throughout the state to offer Continuing Education programs to all healthcare professionals. The educational programs include information regarding: Privacy & Security, Meaningful Use Audits and Meaningful Use Stage 2. We would like to thank those of you in attendance at the first five events in Bardstown, Paducah, Hazard, Bowling Green, and Somerset! We hope you found the information to be timely and valuable! If you were unable to attend one of the previous seminars, one final event will be held on May 31 in Lexington. Register today.
At these events, Kentucky REC is recognizing local healthcare professionals in each area who have led the charge in Health IT implementation and successfully reached Meaningful Use.
We are pleased to welcome these practices and hospitals into an exclusive group of leaders – the Meaningful Use Vanguard (MUV). MUV is a national initiative designed to honor, thank, and bring together clinicians who serve as local leaders and advisors in the nation’s transition toward an electronically-enabled health care system.
A complete list of all award winners and pictures from each event will be available soon.