Kentucky REC is embarking on a new way to share information regarding quality improvement and transformation in healthcare. Beginning Fall 2018, join us for a new podcast series: The PILL Podcast for providers, innovators, leaders and learners. We’ll be hosting interviews with experts in the field who are leading the charge in addressing Value-based Care and Payment. Each person will discuss aspects of the change process and lessons they’ve learned along the way. We’ll address regulatory changes from Washington and Frankfort, and how practices small and large can succeed in the ever more complex world of healthcare. Subjects will include ways to comply with regulatory initiatives, along with the changes needed to be successful in the Quality Payment Program and MIPS.

You can now listen to our podcast at our new home, Buzzsprout, or listen on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. All episodes are now available.


Episode 1: Karen Ditsch – Reluctant Convert – This episode features Karen Ditsch, CEO of Juniper Health in Eastern Kentucky, as she describes her personal and practice journey. She and Juniper moved from a mindset of a reluctant, reactive, and compliance based operation to becoming champions of quality Improvement. They began the proactive quality journey in 2006/7, and they went from paper to EMR in 2010. She shares the struggles and successes along the way, and strategies to move forward as Value-based Care and Payment becomes the model for all providers.


Episode 2 of The PILL Podcast will feature Dr. Chris Yost of UK Healthcare, as he discusses the benefits of seeking Patient Centered Medical Home recognition and focusing on promoting the health of all patients.

Contact Kentucky REC with your questions regarding the Quality Payment Program. Our team of experts is here to help. Phone 859-323-3090