KHIE logo_2colorKHIE, the state-designated health information exchange for Kentucky and a state agency that resides in the Cabinet for Health & Family Services, alongside the KY Department for Public Health (KDPH), KY Medicaid, and KY Department for Behavioral Health have worked closely together on the Electronic Laboratory Reporting (ELR) Regulation, 902 KAR 2:020.

According to KDPH, healthcare facilities do not need to be live by October 1, but facilities will need to provide documentation that KDPH will use to validate healthcare facility readiness and engagement to comply with this regulation.

In order to demonstrate compliance with 902 KAR 2:020, health facilities who fall under this regulation must confirm they have a signed KHIE Participation Agreement and ELR Addendum on file.

Contact the KHIE outreach coordinator in your region if you need assistance confirming your KHIE status.If you are unclear if the regulation applies to your facility, please contact Mike Schardein (Mi************ at KDPH.

Additionally, KHIE is preparing an ELR Onboarding Readiness form that will need to be completed by all healthcare facilities and will subsequently be used by KDPH to validate healthcare facility readiness and engagement.

All ambulatory facilities that must comply with the regulation should notify Rhonda Scott (Rh********** at KHIE to ensure you are included in the distribution for this form.

Additional information re: ELR reporting requirements can be found on the KHIE website under Public Health Reporting.

Read more: ELR Deadline FAQs