With 2020 drawing to a close, it’s time to develop your plans for submission to Year 4 of the Quality Payment Program. A great deal of hard work goes into a successful QPP submission. Much of your information gathering and documentation can actually be done now, or at least lined up for quick collection at the close of 2020.

Both Improvement Activities and Promoting Interoperability performance categories allow some flexibility in data reporting time frames. You can select 90-continuous days for reporting for either category throughout the calendar year. This flexibility allows you to work ahead of the submission deadlines by gathering reports or other required documentation for the associated measures.

While Quality and Cost have a full year reporting requirement, you can implement strategies now for a strong finish to the 2020 performance year. Keep in mind that Cost is based upon Medicare Part B claims submitted to CMS during the performance year, so there is no additional information to submit for attestation.

We’ll discuss how to put your practice in the best position for submission success. Don’t miss this opportunity to engage with your experts at Kentucky REC and have your QPP questions answered by our team of Quality Improvement Advisors!

Free Webinar – QPP Year 4: Attestation Prep
Thursday, November 19, 2020 12:30 PM ET


Contact the experts at Kentucky REC for all your QPP, MIPS, and APM questions. We’re here to help: 859-323-3090.