In order to successfully meet the objectives of Stage 3 Medicaid Promoting Interoperability, it is crucial for you to be looking at the 2020 requirements.

During the webinar we will review the Stage 3 objectives and the thresholds for each measure. We will provide detailed information regarding the newest measures and the importance of having a 2015 CEHRT.

Let Kentucky REC advisors help you be prepared and successful when tackling Stage 3. We will provide action lists that will guide you through the important next steps to meeting the thresholds for hard to reach measures.

Webinar: KY Medicaid Promoting Interoperability (MU) 2020 Stage 3 Overview for Eligible Professionals

Wednesday, March 25, 2020 12:00 pm ET


Contact us at KY***@uk*.edu“>Kentucky REC with your questions about Promoting Interoperability. Our team of experts is here to help: 859-323-3090.