With the start of 2020, we have a new set of rules and guidelines to implement for the Quality Payment Program Year 4! At the same time, we are now in the submission period for 2019.
Kentucky REC experts will present the biggest impacts of the Final Rule for the Merit Based Incentive Payment System’s (MIPS) four performance categories, highlighting what could affect you and your practice the most. We will also explore the changes to the Alternative Payment Model (APMs) track of the QPP, and what you can expect to see with the future of the program.
MIPS is becoming progressively more difficult to achieve a positive payment incentive as thresholds increase, and as more clinicians aim to better their own performance to avoid the penalties associated with the program. Don’t fall behind in your performance!
Thursday, February 20, 2020 12:30 PM ET
Contact the experts at KY***@uk*.edu“>Kentucky REC for all your QPP, MIPS, and APM questions. We’re here to help: 859-323-3090.