One of the goals of the Quality Payment Program is for providers to move into what are called Advanced Alternative Payment Models. In Year 4 of the QPP, clinicians who meet the billing and/or patient thresholds in an Advanced APM are still eligible for the 5% lump sum payment. Over the course of this program, the requirements and flexibilities afforded to APM participants have evolved. Initially almost all participants in Advanced APM models met the billing and/or patient thresholds, making them eligible for the Qualified Participant status. However, as the thresholds (and the difficulty of meeting them) have increased, the likelihood of becoming a Qualified Participant or Partial QP status has declined. Because of this, many clinicians may find themselves evaluated on the MIPS APM scoring standard.

During our webinar, our quality experts will discuss the changes to the APM track and how the increases to the billing and/or patient thresholds may impact your  requirements and performance in the QPP.

*Webinar – QPP Year 4: MIPS Alternative Payment Models
Thursday, April 30, 2020 12:30 PM ET

Coming Up:
*May 21 – QPP Categories Year 4: Cost
June 18 – QPP Year 4: Kentucky REC Can Help You Improve Your QPP Performance
*July 16 – QPP Categories Year 4: Promoting Interoperability & Improvement Activities

All QPP Webinars start at 12:30 PM ET

*This webinar is for Kentucky REC contracted QPP clients only. If you are interested in this topic and would like to learn more about becoming a client, please contact us at (859) 323-3090 or KY***@uk*.edu“>Kentucky REC. We aim to be your trusted healthcare advisor!

Future dates subject to change