Tuesday JUNE 25, 2024 @ 12PM ET
The Cost Performance Category is one of the most challenging areas of CMS’s Quality Payment Program. Knowing where to start is half the battle, even though CMS provides beneficiary-level reports, as well as scoring details based on claims submissions from prior years.
Our Kentucky REC team of experts will discuss and break down the various types of cost measures eligible clinicians and groups may be scored on in PY24. In a program where every point matters, you will learn how to use your feedback report, and interventions your practice can implement to optimize your performance.
Whether you need a refresher, or you are taking the first steps toward better understanding this category, our June 25 webinar will give you tools to address this difficult category.
Interested in becoming a QPP client? As a client, you receive exclusive access to our analysis of all aspects of the Quality Payment Program. To speak with the team on how we can best support you, feel free to contact us HERE.
Mark your calendars for “Interpreting CMS’s Cost Performance Feedback ” on Tuesday, June 25 at 12pm EST.
Contact YOUR Experts at the Kentucky REC for all your QPP, MIPS/MVP, and APM Track questions. We are here to help. Call us at 859-323-3090.
*This webinar is for Kentucky REC contracted QPP clients only. If you are interested in this topic and would like to learn more about becoming a client, please contact us at (859) 323-3090 or email us at KY***@uk*.edu. We aim to be your trusted healthcare advisor!