Kentucky REC would like to introduce you to our newest team member, Sandi Knight.
Sandi comes to us from the Allscripts Professional EHR Implementation Team.
In her twelve years with Allscripts, seven years were spent implementing over 200 clients on Misys and Professional EHR. We are proud to add Sandi to our unique team of Health Information Technology experts.
Our Allscripts consulting services can help you maximize your investment through clinical and industry expertise and technical knowledge. We will work side-by-side with you to design solutions that meet your clinical and financial goals. We offer on-site and virtual visits for implementation, optimization and customization as well as education and training services to help you acquire, maintain and optimize the skills necessary for successful solution deployment.
To learn how we can help you and your practice use Allscripts Professional EHR more efficiently, please call Sandi Knight at (803) 414-7317 or e-mail her.