Program Year 2017 Submission Deadline
The end date to attest for program year 2017 for the Kentucky Medicaid EHR Incentive program is quickly approaching. The deadline to submit an attestation to Modified Stage 2 or Stage 3 for Program Year 2017 is 11:59 pm, March 31, 2018. If you intend to attest to Modified Stage 2 or Stage 3 for the 2017 program year, please ensure that your attestation is submitted before March 31, 2018 11:59 pm. Any attestation that is in process after that time will be closed out and not eligible for participation.
In the event of any questions or concerns, you may contact the EHR team by emailing EH*********** or calling (502) 564-0105 extension 2463. To complete your attestation submission, log in here.
For questions, email EH***********, or check the KY Medicaid EHR website and Eligible Provider Meaningful Use Manual.
Program Year 2017 Meaningful Use Stage 3 Update
The Kentucky Medicaid EHR Incentive Program will begin accepting Stage 3 attestations for Program Year 2017 Meaningful Use on March 7th, 2018. Due to the implementation of the Stage 3 screens, the attestation application will not be available Wednesday, March 7, 2018 from 10:00 am until approximately 1:00 pm. Your patience is appreciated! The EP User manual for Stage 3 Program Year 2017 is located on the EHR website here, under the Manuals section.
Public Health Reporting for Syndromic Surveillance Reporting
Under Stage 3 Reporting Requirements, Eligible Providers (EPs) must attest to at least two measures from the Public Health and Clinical Data Registry Reporting Objective, Measures 1 through 5.
Measure 1 – Immunization Registry Reporting
Measure 2 – Syndromic Surveillance Reporting
Measure 3 – Electronic Case Reporting
Measure 4 – Public Health Registry Reporting
Measure 5 – Clinical Data Registry Reporting
The Kentucky Medicaid EHR Incentive Program has received approval from CMS to allow ALL Eligible Providers (EPs) attesting to Meaningful Use Stage 3, regardless of practice setting, to count Syndromic Surveillance Reporting towards Objective 8 Public Health and Clinical Data Registry Reporting. EPs in an urgent care setting will continue to attest to Measure 2 Syndromic Surveillance Reporting, while EPs in a non-urgent care setting will attest to Measure 4 Public Health Registry Reporting.
All providers who wish to submit public health data through KHIE must demonstrate active engagement with KHIE. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) defines active engagement as:
Option 1: Completed registration to submit data to a public health agency or clinical data registry within 60 days of the beginning of the EHR reporting period
Option 2: Testing and Validation
Option 3: Production
Contactin**@Ke*********.com“> Kentucky REC with your Medicaid Meaningful Use questions. Our expert advisors are here to help. 859-323-3090