HIAAblogAre you committing fraud?

If you have attested to Stage 1 Meaningful Use and have not completed or updated your Security Risk Analysis, you probably are.

And you’re not alone. According to results, 47 of the 59 providers audited in April 2012—that’s 80%—failed audits conducted by CMS contractor Figliozzi and Company.

 “Not conducting a risk assessment becomes a fraud and financial issue,” said Security expert McMillan. “Money can be taken back, additional fines can be added, and if somebody decides that someone has done something nefarious, you can go to jail. You need to realize this.”

For most of you, this represents an unacceptable amount of risk, particularly as it relates to your bottom line. But we know your challenge goes beyond this one audit to include the effective and efficient management of the ongoing attestation process through all stages of Meaningful Use as well as being constantly prepared for any sort of audit.

The good news: Kentucky REC can help!

Kentucky REC’s AHIMA certified specialists will conduct a Risk Analysis to evaluate your organization’s compliance with the HIPAA Security Rule standards and implementation specifications.

Our HIPAA Security Risk Analysis includes: HIPAA Security Rule Gap Analysis; Compliance Guidance; Facility Walkthrough Assessment; System Characterization; Threat Identification; Vulnerability Identification; Control Analysis; Likelihood Determination; Impact Analysis; Risk Determination; Control Recommendations; Result Documentation; Policy and Procedure Templates.

To learn more about how our HIPAA Privacy and Security experts can help you, contact us at 1-888-KY-REC-EHR.