Continuing Education (CE) Opportunity from UK’s HEALing Communities Study – Fayette County

The HEALing Communities Study at the University of Kentucky is a collaboration between community members and researchers with a goal of reducing opioid overdose deaths using multiple evidence-based strategies. You can support one of these efforts and help improve patient care by participating in the HCS Educational Outreach Program for Primary Care Providers. This FREE continuing education program addresses the dual challenges of effective multimodal pain management and safe, appropriate opioid prescribing. Brief one-on-one educational sessions are tailored to the issues most relevant to your practice.

By participating, you’ll have access to:

    1. Two 20-minute virtual sessions with an HCS pharmacist, each worth 0.5 hours of HB1 CME
    2. Practice resources, including: patient education materials; reference tools; and local resource lists
    3. Additional online HB1 CME modules to supplement your live visit
    4. Ongoing support from HCS related to pain management and opioid safety

All primary care physicians, APRNs, and PAs practicing in Fayette County are eligible to participate, and our community coalition is eager to have UK providers participate.

To sign up for an educational session, select Medical Initial Visit and your preferred date and time on the following website:

If you have any questions, please contact Monica Roberts, PharmD, at

You can visit the UK HEALing Communities website HERE.