New CMS rule allows flexibility in certified EHR technology for 2014
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) published a final rule that allows health care providers more flexibility in how they use certified electronic health record (EHR) technology (CEHRT) to meet meaningful use for an EHR Incentive Program reporting period for 2014.
Based on public comments and feedback from stakeholders, CMS identified ways to help eligible professionals, eligible hospitals, and critical access hospitals (CAHs) implement and meaningfully use Certified EHR Technology. Specifically, eligible providers can use the 2011 Edition CEHRT or a combination of 2011 and 2014 Edition CEHRT for an EHR reporting period in 2014 for the Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs; All eligible professionals, eligible hospitals, and CAHs are required to use the 2014 Edition CEHRT in 2015.
The rule also finalizes the extension of Stage 2 through 2016 for certain providers and announces the Stage 3 timeline, which will begin in 2017 for providers who first became meaningful EHR users in 2011 or 2012.
An updated meaningful use timeline and a chart with 2011 and 2014 CEHRT Edition options are below.
For more information about the EHR Incentive Programs, click here.
For more information about CEHRT, click here.
If you are a Kentucky REC client, please contact your Health IT advisor to find out how these changes will affect your Meaningful Use participation. If you are not a Kentucky REC client, contact us now at 859-323-3090 or ky***@uk*.edu to find out how we can help you!
*Only providers that could not fully implement 2014 Edition CEHRT for the EHR reporting period in 2014 due to delays in 2014 Edition CEHRT availability.