Remember there is still Medicaid Meaningful Use money on the table for your practice but you need to act now!
If you have participated in the Kentucky Medicaid EHR Incentive program in the past and have not been paid through program year 6, let us help you achieve Meaningful Use and earn the remaining incentive monies. The Kentucky Medicaid EHR Incentive program will continue through 2021.
Our Health IT advisors will assist you through this process by reviewing your Meaningful Use reports, completing a gap analysis and action plan, and assist with the submission of your attestation. We will educate and guide you along the way.
The reporting period for 2017 is any continuous 90 days in the calendar year. So, the last 90 days of the year will begin on October 3, 2017. The deadline to submit your attestation is March 31, 2018.
If you registered for the Medicaid Meaningful Use Program in the past but have only attested to AIU the first year, you will need to attest by October 1, 2017 using a 90-day reporting period in calendar year 2017, to avoid a Medicare Part B payment penalty in 2018. However, you may still attest by March 31, 2018 to receive incentive money. This applies to dual eligible professionals (Doctors of medicine or osteopathy, Doctors of dental surgery or dental medicine, Doctors of podiatry, Doctors of optometry, Chiropractors (This excludes NPs.)
If you are unable to attest by this deadline, there may be hardship applications that apply to your circumstance. The hardship applications are due by October 1, 2017.
Please contact the Kentucky REC here so that we can assist you with Meaningful Use attestation. Don’t leave money on the table!