Promoting Interoperability—Providers

Successfully navigating the complex and evolving Promoting Interoperability landscape can be a daunting task. We have a track record of helping providers make progress toward compliance in the most efficient and effective way, which translates into lower costs of implementation, assurance of maximum reimbursements, and protection against penalties and costly audits.

We will provide:

  • Eligibility determination and registration support
  • eCQM/PQRS review and alignment
  • Action plan and recommendations
  • Attestation assistance
  • Ongoing guidance on requirements and timelines

Deadline approaching to attest for Program Year 2020

The deadline to attest for Program Year (PY) 2020 is 11:59 p.m. Eastern time, March 31, 2021. Attestations not submitted will be closed out and ineligible for participation for the PY.

2021 Promoting Interoperability

ATTENTION: Program Year 2021 is the last participation year of the Medicaid Promoting Interoperability Program for EPs. The attestation deadline for Program Year 2021 is August 31, 2021.

All EPs may begin attestations for PY 2021 beginning April 1, 2021. Those who attested for PY 2020 must have received their payment for PY 2020 prior to attesting for PY 2021.

For all returning participants, the EHR reporting period is a minimum of any continuous 90 days between January 1, and August 31, 2021, for Medicaid Promoting Interoperability measures. Medicaid EP participants must report on any continuous 90 days of electronic Clinical Quality Measures (eCQM). EPs are required to report on any six eCQMs related to their scope of practice. In addition, Medicaid EPs are required to report on at least one outcome measure. If no outcome measures are relevant to that EP, they must report on at least one high-priority measure. If there are no outcome or high priority measures relevant to an EPs scope of practice, they must report on any six relevant measures.

The Stage 3 specification sheets for Program Year 2021 can be found here.

The list of available eCQMs for EPs in 2021 is aligned with the list of eCQMs available for Eligible Clinicians under MIPS in 2020. Those eCQMs can be found here.

Electronic Clinical Quality Measures are expected to be reported by using a QRDA-III file for 2021. If EPs are unable to obtain a QRDA-III file due to vendor or cost related issues, manual entry of eCQMs is available on the Kentucky Medicaid attestation site.

Important url change for attestation website: effective June 22, 2020, the web address to attest for the Kentucky Medicaid EHR Incentive Program (Promoting Interoperability) has changed. Please update your bookmarks/favorites. For assistance contact eh***********
All providers must attest to Stage 3 objectives and measures using 2015 Certified EHR Technology (CEHRT).

Have more questions?  We are here to help! Contact the Kentucky REC today to learn more about our support.

“This effort was made possible by Grant Number PON2 746 2000001660 from KY CHFS and US DHHS. The project described was supported by Grant Number PON2 746 2000001660 from KY CHFS and US DHHS.”

Promoting Interoperability Resources for Stage 3

Additional Promoting Interoperability Information

Preparing for Promoting Interoperability Attestation

“Promoting Interoperability guidance and tipsheets were made possible by Grant Number PON2 746 2000001660 from KY CHFS and US DHHS. The project described was supported by Grant Number PON2 746 2000001660 from KY CHFS and US DHHS.”


Kentucky REC Premier Partner Award – KHIE

Kentucky REC is proud to work with so many organizations committed to improving the health and wellbeing of our fellow Kentuckians. Presentations were made at our Annual Conference on Oct 24th in Lexington.Premier Partner Award - KHIE The Kentucky Health Information...

Kentucky REC Client Excellence Awards – Norton Healthcare

Kentucky REC is proud to work with so many organizations committed to improving the health and wellbeing of our fellow Kentuckians. Presentations were made at our Annual Conference on Oct 24th in Lexington.Hospital Promoting Interoperability Award - Norton Healthcare...